Drones in the skies - Cyberhawk’s ROAV inspection service discussed in BP magazine

18 Jun 2015

In the latest edition of BP Magazine the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is discussed as BP was an early adaptor. Cyberhawk have worked alongside BP for a number of years on multiple projects both downstream and upstream and are featured in the article:


“The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (or drones) is on the rise, with the military to Hollywood finding practical applications. BP, too, was an early adopter.

“There are also radio-controlled multi-rotor UAVs – effectively mini-helicopters – that are smaller and have a shorter range. These are perfect for checking vertical structures, such as flare stacks and cooling towers, as well as flat roofs and electrical lines. BP is also investigating their potential use inside vessels and tanks. The beauty of a multi-rotor UAV is that it can collect accurate data from a structure at a distance of seven to nine metres (25-30 feet), without having to shut it down.”

“UAVs are controlled by mobile ground stations crewed by one person flying the machine and someone else operating the onboard cameras, usually accompanied by subject experts onsite to analyse the pictures and data as they come in.”

“The machinery is highly sophisticated technology, which is one reason why UAVs are classified as aircraft. But, the real innovation is in the kit they carry.”

“At its site in Hull, UK, the unmanned Cyberhawk ‘octocopter’ has helped to assess the integrity of a 100-metre (330-foot) cooling tower, removing the need for scaffolding and people working at height.”

“The regulatory environment for using UAVs differs from country to country, determining how and where this technology can be used. But, with costs falling and increasingly sophisticated technology – of both the machines themselves and the sensors and cameras they carry – the future looks very promising for UAV use across BP.”

Read the full article here: http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/press/bp-magazine/innovations/drones-provide-bp-eyes-in-the-skies.html